2018 - it's a year of new beginnings and ther first year of PowerKnapp going full time!
This investment has been a long time coming! And not only is it an upgrade in equipment, it marks the beginning of PowerKnapp becoming an established business in it's new premises. At the start of my Sports Massage journey, I purchased a portable massage table from Costco, and, to be fair, it has been exceptional - durable, comfortable, reliable. It was brilliant value for money and it’s portability was perfect for me being in training and offering more of a mobile service.
But my situation was changing. Having now set up in a fixed premises, I began to think about the image of the business but also what the best options for the business moving forward were, and for myself physically, as I looked to move towards doing Sports Massage full time.
The new bed from Quirumed is brilliant. Whilst still a big initial investment, it was still a fairly affordable option - around £500. And it has a few perks/upgrades which make it worth the while!
These upgrades include:
1. The new bed can sit up right! Clients previously had to always be lying either face up or down. Which, for 90% of the time, is totally fine, but it meant some routines and techniques couldn’t be properly utilised as they required a more seated and upright position. The new bed maximises my abilities by allowing me more versatility.
2. The head hole is fully supported, as it's cut into the bed itself, so the client isn't hanging over the end of the bed, requiring a fairly unsupportive apparatus for the head.
3. It can be height adjusted! The old bed could be adjusted height wise, but not very easily ast all. If the bed isn’t set at a good height, it can be very demanding on my posture when massaging, which in turn can play havoc on my back and hips. Hence a seamless height adjustable bed makes it easier to maintain form and to apply the right pressure. As the new bed can be put at the right height in seconds, it's not just great for massaging different people and body shapes, but for different areas on the same people that would require, at times, notable changs in bed height to ensure optimal pressure, performance and posture. Plus, it's also handy to help people on and off the bed more easily!
To a client, the type of bed may not feel that important. Afterall, both the portable and mechnical beds are very comfortable. But the new one is investing not only in my clients comfort and the effectiveness of my sessions, but also my own health. It unlocks the potential of my full skill set to help ensure I’m treating clients to the best of my ability by having all my techniques at my arsenal - without compromising my own wellbeing.
Now it will be test of duarbility - espcially as I begin to ramp up my hours Sports Massaging! Regardless, it's a real boost mentally, as I begin to look to the future and having a less portable (very much so!) massage bed reinforces that I'm here to stay and that, hopefully, a successful and happy self employed journey lies ahead!
Look forward to seeing some of you Portsmouth people soon! You get a totally new Sports Massage Experience in PowerKnapp!